To Lead a Transformative Pastoral /Spiritual Care Education, Teaching and Learning, Researching and Implementing.
St. Vincent Hospital Sydney was Founded in 1857 by the Sisters of Charity, St Vincent’s Hospital is one of Australia’s most iconic Hospitals, which functions as a full service acute public teaching hospital. It has a long tradition in educating nurses, doctors, allied health, and pastoral care professionals.
St Vincent’s recognises that spiritual care is an integral part of patients’ healing and well-being. It has a dynamic Pastoral Care Department that responds to and promotes the spiritual well-being of patients, their families and the staff. The Clinical Pastoral Education Centre was established in 1981 by Sr Margaret Lee RSC. Sr Margaret remained the Centre Director until 1995.
In reflecting upon her life Margaret was described ‘as a woman of great integrity, who cared about her friends, set high standards, was a thoughtful and sensitive woman with a strong sense of loyalty and justice.’ Today - The Centre offers Introductory, Foundational, Advanced and Supervisory Education programs, and collaborates with some Universities and Colleges in offering Pastoral programs.
Sr Helena is an accredited Clinical Pastoral Educator with the New South Wales College of Clinical Pastoral Education and CPE Centre Manager. She is a Missionary Sister Servant of the Holy Spirit (SSpS). Sr Helena has worked in different ministries in her home country – Indonesia before coming to Australia in 2000. While adjusting to the Australian context Sr. Helena researched to find a meaningful ministry to live out her missionary life. Her journey to Clinical Pastoral Education begun in 2006, this was followed by her Supervisory Education in 2009. She has been a Pastoral Care Practitioner for the last 14 years working in a variety of health care facilities.
As the Centre Director, Sr. Helena is responsible for managing the life of the Centre and its educational implementation. As an Educator, she delivers CPE Courses. She provides Pastoral Supervision for Pastoral/Spiritual Carers or Practitioners, and Priests and chaplains. Sr. Helena’s passion is to generate the Love of God to open hearts and bring alive the Mystery of God or the “Sacred” by tending to the ‘human person’ with its predicaments and reality of life. Supervision for her means ‘shared vision’ with the other. She is interested in reflecting theologically on human experiences that convey Divine message.
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of pastoral/spiritual care. It is a qualification required by NSW Health for those wishing to become hospital visitors. It provides prior knowledge and as pre-requisite for Foundational CPE Units. It covers such topics as listening skills, empathy, grief and loss, self-awareness and hospital procedures. A certificate is awarded on completion.
These courses are aimed at providing intensive training in pastoral/spiritual care by means of a supervised group and individual reflection on pastoral conversations. Using an action/reflection method, they require students to complete 150 hours of clinical work (pastoral visiting) in assigned hospital wards or other approved locations, together with 80 hours of group work, 10 hours of individual supervision and 160 hours of reflection/reading/seminar preparation and Pastoral Encounter Report (PER) writing.
Introductory CPE Course. Applicants are interviewed prior to acceptance into the course. The course is offered in different modes. See below. Group work is conducted at the Clinical Pastoral Education Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney. The maximum number accepted into a Foundational CPE group is six students. Limited places are available and we encouraged applicants to apply early to avoid disappointment.
Students will be accepted into this unit only after completion of CPE 1, 2 or 3 at credit level or above and satisfactory reports from previous supervisors. specialised CPE requires a heightened level of personal awareness, pastoral formation and professional development in a pastoral care specialisation. It aims at professional competence. Building on the previous units of Clinical Pastoral Education, it seeks to further develop students’ awareness of pastoral dynamics in a specialised area of ministry. This is achieved by reflection on the student’s practical experience of the specialised ministry, together with research into the area of specialisation. A particular focus is on the ethical challenges posed by the ministry specialisation and associated theological dilemmas.
Semester Units: One day for class and individual supervision and one day per week for clinical placement.
Dates: 18 February to 10 June 2025
Clinical Placement: St. Vincent’s Hospital Campus
Dates: 22 July to 2 December 2025
Clinical Placement: St. Vincent’s Hospital Campus.
In person & Virtual Classes:
Two days a month on Thursday/Fridays for classes
Dates: 27/28 Feb, 27/28 Mar, 24/25 Apr, 22/23 May, 19/20 Jun, 24/25 Jul, 28/29 Aug, 25/26 Sept, 23/24 Oct & 27/28 Nov 2025
Clinical Placement: One day a week
Clinical Placement: St. Vincent’s Hospital Campus or at own workplace if employed as pastoral/spiritual carer or Chaplain.
(Four days a week)
Dates: Please contact the centre for Summer Intensive dates.
Classes and Individual Supervision: 2 days/week
Clinical Placement: 2 days/week at St Vincent’s or Work place for employed Pastoral/Spiritual carers or Chaplains.
Introductory courses
SVHA Staff Cost $ 468.75
Foundational CPE 1,2, & 3
Academic award students
Foundational CPE 1,2, & 3
Non-award students
Foundational CPE Unit 1, 2, 3
SVHA Staff pay 75% $1893.75
The above fees include the cost of the CPE certificate.
Sr. Helena Naif SSpS
Clinical Pastoral Education Centre
Level 3 DeLacy Building
St Vincent’s Hospital,
390 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Introductory CPE Brochure - Click here for Brochure
Foundational CPE - Click here for Brochure
Enrolment forms can be found on this website:
As a Member Institute of the Sydney College of Divinity, the NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education provides Master of Arts degrees specialising in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Supervision, and gives credit for Basic and Advanced Units of CPE.
Students with a Bachelor degree or other relevant qualification may enrol in a Master of Arts (leading to a Specialisation in Chaplaincy) which is offered by the NSW College of CPE through the Sydney College of Divinity. Students undertake three core units of CPE (CPE 1, 2, 3) and receive 54 credit points, half the course work.
The remaining 54 credit points may be gained by enrolment in related courses (such as theology, Biblical studies, pastoral counselling) offered through the other member institutes of the Sydney College of Divinity.
It may seem things move very fast, begin and end in a relatively short time and /or in a long time. One thing that might stay is the meaning of each moment spent.
Find out more about student life at NSWCCPE
Call our Registrar on 0420 359 097 or send an email message