The NSWCCPE Executive team work with the CPE Centre Directors and Supervisors to provide quality education and supervision in spiritual care for our students.

Barbara Hall
Honorary President

Barbara has been associated with the College as a CPE Supervisor since 2002 and had been conducting Introductory Courses and Basic Units through the Canberra & Region Centre for Spiritual Care & Clinical Pastoral Education in Goulburn, Canberra, Cooma and Queanbeyan. Barbara is a CPE Educator (Level 2), currently one of the Deputy Presidents of NSWCCPE and was previously Executive Secretary for six years. Barbara is an Associate Teacher with the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD). With 25 years’ experience as a pastoral care practitioner in acute, palliative, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospital settings, Barbara held the position of Coordinator, Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care in Goulburn Health Service for 17 of those 25 years, stepping down from the role in December 2018.

The Reverend Canon Roger Zohrab
Deputy President

BA (Deakin),ThL,DipMIn,AssocDipTheol (ACT),GradCertProfessionalSupervision (St.Marks NTC), MA (ACU), MRE (ACU), MPastCounsell (CSU) AAOS

Roger is the Anglican Chaplain and Pastoral Care Coordinator at John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle. A priest with many years’ experience in parish and chaplaincy ministry, Roger has counselling training and experience in spiritual direction.

He is a Provisional Clinical Pastoral Educator. He is very interested in the way we seek to make sense of our life and situations through theological reflection. He has a particular interest in trauma associated areas of the hospital and recognises the importance of good spiritual care for end of life patients, families and staff.

Roger is part of the executive team that is reshaping the College to provide excellent care and education.

Cheryll Bird
Deputy President and Librarian

BA (Theology), MMin, MA (Pastoral Supervision)

Cheryll is a Clinical Pastoral Educator and is the San CPE Centre Director. After completing a BA in theology she worked in parish ministry in Australia and New Zealand. She began CPE around 2000, at Rozelle Hospital – a large state psychiatric hospital. After completing 4 units of CPE as well as a Master of Ministry, she began training as a CPE Supervisor at St Vincent’s Hospital. It was during that time that she qualified as a Clinical Pastoral Supervisor and completed an MA in Pastoral Supervision then as a Clinical Pastoral Educator in 2017. She has taught undergraduate CPE at Avondale University since 2013.

The Rev’d Dr Barbara Howard
Academic Dean

BA(Hons), MEd, D de l’U, BD, MA (Pastoral Supervision), PhD.

Barbara is a retired Anglican Priest. She has degrees in European Languages and Theology and has been a teacher, lecturer, director of two Anglican Welfare agencies, parish priest and hospital chaplain. She has been involved with NSWCCPE since 1991 as student, supervisor and now as Education Consultant. As Academic Dean and Education Faculty Convenor, she oversees and participates in the spiritual care and supervisor education programs offered by NSWCCPE.

She shares her beautiful view over Lake Macquarie with her faithful labrador, Kymba. She enjoys reading, walking by the lake, and anticipating frequent return visits to the backways of rural France.

Alan and his wife, Eleanor a retired clinical psychologist, have learned from their 3 daughters and 7 grandchildren, what getting on with people is all about.

As well as teaching CPE 1, CPE 2 and CPE 3 Units, running Introductory CPE programs where requested, and teaching the SCD Advanced Supervisory Practice for senior CPE supervisors, as a Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology with the SCD he teaches Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Counselling with undergraduate and graduate students.

Alan has been a member and committee member of the NSW CPE College since 1972; Academic Dean from 2008 to 2017 and from 2022, and has been involved in the NSW CPE College’s participation in the Sydney College of Divinity over the past 20 years.

Ms Carolyn Dann
Academic Registrar

BAppSc, GDipMgt, DipBus, DipPrMgt, Cert IV in TAE

Carolyn Dann is the Academic Registrar at the NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education. She has a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in IT, Graduate Diploma in Management, Diploma in Business, Diploma in Project Management and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Carolyn has seven years’ experience working on a range of IT projects in the health, finance and Government sectors before moving into adult education. She has over eighteen years’ experience working in adult education across both the tertiary and VET sectors. This has included over ten years working as a trainer, teaching business courses to domestic and international students.

Carolyn enjoys her role at NSWCCPE utilising her administration and management skills working with many contacts across the Sydney College of Divinity and the CPE community. She finds her work with the students to be the most rewarding part of the role.

Mrs Carmen Karauda
Executive Secretary and Treasurer

BA (Commerce) (UWS), MA (Pastoral Care and Counselling) (SCD), MA (Pastoral Supervision) (SCD), Dip of Ageing and Pastoral Care (Holy Family Services), Cert IV in TAE

Carmen is a CPE Supervisor and Provisional CPE Educator, currently attached to the Southern Tablelands CPE Centre and previously attached to the Mental Health CPE Centre, and an Associate Teacher with the SCD. Carmen was the Pastoral Care Coordinator for Carrington Care Aged Care and was a Course Facilitator and Assessor for Holy Family Services’ Registered Training Organisation, a privately run RTO in Marayong, which facilitates courses such as 10642NAT Diploma of Ageing and Pastoral or Spiritual Care.

Carmen currently holds the position of Treasurer on the NSWCCPE Executive and brings her valuable former experience as an Accountant and Accounting Software trainer to the role. Carmen’s interest in exploring ways of helping others discover and develop their talents and skills has lead her into the area of pastoral and spiritual care. Her studies and work to date have mainly been in the area of spirituality, exploring the meaning and purpose of life today and pastoral and spiritual care of the aged, sick and dying. Carmen has a well-developed understanding of spirituality and journeying with others as they explore their own spirituality and relate to others on their journey.

Heather Robinson
Convenor of the Accreditation, Registration and Professional Standards Committee

BTh (SCD), MA (Pastoral Supervision)

Heather was previously a Supervisor of the Mental Health CPE at Macquarie Hospital and the Korean language CPE program at Rhodes. She is now a Supervisor of the Mental Health Ministry CPE at Cumberland Hospital (2022) and works in pastoral care at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney. She has been a Volunteer with the Macquarie Hospital Pastoral Care Team for ten years, and has over twenty years experience in pastoral care, including in aged care and mental health ministry. Heather is passionate about the benefits of CPE and began training as a Supervisor in 2014.

Sr Helena Naif, SSPS
Convenor of the Centre Directors Committee

BTh (MCD), GradDip Religious Education (ACU), MA Pastoral Supervision (SCD)

Sr Helena is an accredited Clinical Pastoral Educator with the New South Wales College of Clinical Pastoral Education and CPE Centre Manager. She is a Missionary Sister Servant of the Holy Spirit (SSpS). Sr Helena has worked in different ministries in her home country – Indonesia before coming to Australia in 2000. While adjusting to the Australian context Sr. Helena researched to find a meaningful ministry to live out her missionary life. Her journey to Clinical Pastoral Education begun in 2006, this was followed by her Supervisory Education in 2009. She has been a Pastoral Care Practitioner for the last 14 years working in a variety of health care facilities.

As the Centre Director, Sr. Helena is responsible for managing the life of the Centre and its educational implementation. As an Educator, she delivers CPE Courses. She provides Pastoral Supervision for Pastoral/Spiritual Carers or Practitioners, and Priests and chaplains. Sr. Helena’s passion is to generate the Love of God to open hearts and bring alive the Mystery of God or the “Sacred” by tending to the ‘human person’ with its predicaments and reality of life. Supervision for her means ‘shared vision’ with the other. She is interested in reflecting theologically on human experiences that convey Divine message.

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