Postgraduate Pastoral Supervision programs

Training in Pastoral Supervision – leading to a Master of Arts (Specialisation in Pastoral Supervision) The Master of Arts (Leading to a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision) is a graduate study programme. It is designed for students who have a tertiary qualification which is either theological or non-theological. The programme enables students to develop their understanding of supervision in the area of Pastoral Ministry.

A person seeking to train as a CPE Supervisor must first have completed Basic and Advanced Units of CPE as well as having completed a three year academic award. Before being eligible to study for the Master of Arts (Specialisation in Pastoral Supervision), you will need to be accepted by the Accreditation Convenor of the NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education to train as a Supervisor. If you require details on this please contact the office. Once accepted you will be able to begin your formal education towards the MA. Ongoing Professional Education will be offered to all training and accredited Supervisors of the College.

What do I need to do to apply for admission?

1.Do you have a Bachelor of Theology? Students with a BTh can apply for admission into the Master of Arts program.

2.If you don't have a Bachelor of Theology, have you completed an undergraduate award? If yes, then you can apply for admission into the Graduate Certificate Arts. Once you have completed the Grad Cert. Arts you can apply for admission into the Master of Arts program.

3.If you don’t have an undergraduate award, have you completed three years post-school education, such as a Diploma of Teaching (UG2) or Nurses Training? If so, then you can also enrol in the Grad Cert. Arts, see point 2.

4.If you don’t fit the above categories, have you worked in Chaplaincy or the Pastoral Field for at least 5 years (full time equivalent) and held positions of responsibility? If so then you may apply for admission into the GradCertA and request Professional Entry. You will need to provide evidence of your professional background and letters of support from senior members of your Faith Tradition. Acceptance into the GradCertA will be provisional. To progress to the MA all units must be passed and the completed Graduate Certificate in Arts must have a GPA of at least 2.0.

5.English proficiency: minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.0 in all bands of the test.

The SCD program (leading to a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

The SCD program offers three levels:

• Graduate Certificate in Arts (concentration in pastoral supervision)

• Graduate Diploma in Arts (specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

• Master of Arts (specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

MA specialisation in Pastoral Supervision.

This program requires students to complete 108 credit points or 12 x nine credit point subjects. The six CPE units to be undertaken make up half the course work for the MA or 54 credit points. You will gain a Master of Arts with a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision. The naming of the specialisation only appears on your Transcript, not on the Testamur.


Students have between 3 to 4.5 years to complete the MA. In order to complete the MA you will need to undertake at least 6 subjects (including a Biblical studies and a Theology Subject) at one of the other SCD Member Institutes.
You may complete some of your study externally (not at one of the Member Institutes of the SCD), however you can only apply for credit up to a maximum of 50% of the program – 54 credit points.


All course units shall normally be taken from 8500 and 9600 series units

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points
* Students to select one Introductory Biblical Studies unit 9
* Students to select one Introductory Theology unit 9
P8174 Principles of Pastoral Supervision 9
P8175 Dynamics of Pastoral Supervision 9
P8178 Theological Reflection in Pastoral Supervision 9
P8177 Educational Theory and Practice in Pastoral Supervision 9
P9274 Dynamics of Group Supervision in Clinical Pastoral Education 9
P9275 Dynamics of the Supervisor: The Critically Informed Use of Self 9
X8190 Research Methodology 9

X9295 or

X9298 or


Research Project or Research Essay 18


Elective unit 9
  TOTAL: 108

Graduate Diploma in Arts (specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

This program requires students to complete 72 credit points.

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points
* Students to select one Introductory Biblical Studies unit 9
* Students to select one Introductory Theology unit 9
P8174 Principles of Pastoral Supervision 9
P8175 Dynamics of Pastoral Supervision 9
P8177 Educational Theory in Pastoral Supervision 9
P8178 Theological Reflection in Pastoral Supervision 9
X8190 Research Methodology 9
  Elective unit 9
  TOTAL: 72

Graduate Certificate in Arts (concentration in pastoral supervision)

This program requires students to complete 36 credit points.

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points
* Students to select one Introductory Biblical Studies unit 9
* Students to select one Introductory Theology unit 9
P8174 Principles of Pastoral Supervision 9
P8175 Dynamics of Pastoral Supervision 9
  TOTAL: 36

* Applicants who have a Bachelor of Theology or previous studies in theology or biblical studies may apply to have the requirement for the Biblical and Theology Studies Core units waived and complete 18 cp elective units instead.

How do you apply for entry into an SCD program?

Contact Carolyn at the office of the NSWCCPE and ask for the SCD’s Application for Admission form. You can email the College Office ( and request an application form be sent to you.

Submit your application and supporting documents for review to the Registrar, if needed the Registrar will contact you for more information. Please make sure that you answer every question on the application form. All information is needed to process your application. Copies of transcripts must be certified by a Justice of the Peace for authentication purposes.

Fees for Master of Arts (leading to a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

The fee for each unit varies depending on the member institution delivering the unit. For these units a range is given for each fee amount.



Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points

2023 Fee

Fees vary between member institutions

P8174 Principles of Pastoral Supervision 9 $2,752
P8175 Dynamics of Pastoral Supervision 9 $2,752
P8177 Educational Theory in Pastoral Supervision 9 $2,752
P8178 Theological Reflection in Pastoral Supervision 9 $2,752
P9274 Dynamics of Group Supervision in Clinical Pastoral Education 9 $2,752
P9275 Dynamics of the Supervisor: The Critically Informed Use of Self 9 $2,752
  Introductory Biblical Studies unit 9 From $1980 to $2590
  Introductory Theology 9 From $1980 to $2590
X8190 Research Project or Research Essay 9 From $2590

X9295 or

X9298 or


Research Project or Research Essay 18 From $2890 - $4980


The fee for each additional elective ranges from $1300 - $2590 depending on the unit chosen and the member institute delivering the course.

Do you require assistance in paying your fees?

The Commonwealth government through its scheme called Fee-help offers an interest free loan to post-graduate students.  Students must apply for admission into an SCD program prior to commencing the unit of study, as well as submit a Fee-help request form.

Students studying in undergraduate programs may access Fee-help but this loan does incur interest.

Students are encouraged to check the Commonwealth Government web site for more details concerning Fee-help.


Outcomes for the Master of Arts (Leading to a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision)

On completion of the Master of Arts (Leading to a specialisation in Pastoral Supervision) students should be able to:

  • Articulate an integrated and critically developed understanding of the educational philosophy being used in their pastoral supervision
  • Demonstrate a professional competent use of personal histories, psychological patterns and learning styles
  • Display a highly developed understanding of the interpersonal dynamics within individual and group processes
  • Display to a high degree awareness of the parallel process occurring in pastoral supervision and other interpersonal dynamics
  • Articulate a highly integrated theology of pastoral supervision
  • Show competency in the establishment, administration and management of a Clinical Pastoral Education Centre
  • Appreciate the interrelationship between various pastoral supervisory models and the way in which they enrich human life and growth
  • Value greatly the uniqueness of Clinical Pastoral Education with some awareness of its history
If choosing electives, what other subjects can you do?

If you have a Bachelor of Theology and have had the requirement to complete theology and biblical studies waived, you may choose two electives. We encourage you to:

  • Check the semester timetables of the other SCD Member Institutes that you would be interested in attending. Your further study may be based on the Denomination of the College, upon its location or the subject that interests you.  Timetables can be accessed from each MIs web page.  Links to MIs web pages can be accessed from the Sydney College of Divinity Web page -

  • Choose a subject that will enhance your current knowledge and skills and that will round out your education for chaplaincy. Subjects could include Biblical studies, Theological studies, Ethics, Liturgy, and Pastoral Theology and Practice.

  • You may also do studies outside of the SCD. Check with the NSWCCPE College Registrar that your subject choice fits the program and is at the correct level.  Once you have completed a subject you need to send a copy of your official transcript to the NSWCCPE Registrar and apply for credit into your SCD program.  Up to a maximum of 25% of studies can be done externally.

Ready to enrol with NSWCCPE?

Call our Registrar on 0420 359 097

or send us an email message

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