Introductory CPE (40 hours)

This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of pastoral/spiritual care. It is a qualification required by NSW Health for those wishing to become hospital visitors and the minimum requirement to join any hospital chaplaincy team.

The introductory CPE course is suitable for lay people, theological students and clergy wanting an orientation into pastoral care in the hospital environment and also insight into the needs and vulnerability of hospital patients and their families. The principles of this course can be translated across into other Pastoral Care settings. This course may be available over one intensive 40 hour week or one day a week over 5 weeks.

Students will also be introduced to theological reflection, spiritual assessment and pastoral care models during this course. The course will help participants become more aware of their listening and responding skills, understand the power of empathy, have a better understanding of the needs of hospital patients and provide students with an opportunity to explore and examine a case study (verbatim) of a visit to a patient by a chaplain or a CPE trainee. It introduces the action/reflection model and covers such topics as listening skills, empathy, grief and loss, self-awareness, spirituality and hospital procedures.

A certificate is awarded on completion.

The 40hr introductory course acts as a pre-requisite for the basic 400hr course.

Ready to enrol with NSWCCPE?

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